I Remember having such a great time in Sunday School. My favorite part was memorizing scripture. We used to have old fashioned Bible Sword drills, and I promise you, no IPods, Pads, or any other electronic device was near to lead us directly to the verse. We had to "Search the scriptures."
I suppose it really doesn't matter if the book is paper or electronic, what really matters is are we hiding the word in our hearts?
Preteens rejoicing in the Lord. |
It's time to get happy about living for God! Sometimes people forget that the "joy of the Lord is your strength! JOY. When life presses in on us, we have a difficult time coping with the circumstances that were never meant to harm us but to make us stronger and better able to stand against whatever the devil may throw at us. He is the accuser of the brethren, first and foremost and the father of lies. When we listen to him, instead of listening to the Lord, we invite failure and depression to reign in our lives. Our lives would be so much more joyful if we took the time to be thankful. Giving thanks has become a lost art, I'm afraid. But the Lord tells us, "in everything give thanks." That leaves no situation uncovered. Thankfulness rewards its giver with the peace that passes all understanding, and the hope to continue moving forward when life happens, and everything seems to unravel all around us. Taking life in syllables, helps us to be assured that Jesus Christ the author and the finisher of our faith is in complete control, and he hasn't lost any sleep over our situation. He is not fearful, because he doesn't give us a Spirit of fear; he is never weak, but promises us that when we are weak, he will become our strength; and he loves us unconditionally, because he has a vested interest in our salvation. He died for it. gm
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